Solving Marriage Money Problems

It has become common with the high costs of living in today's 21st century that both partners will pursue careers to earn a living, and many marriages encounter serious money problems as a result. Even though times have changed, men feel threatened when their partners earn more money than what they do, which still causes problems in any relationships. Even if this is not the case it often happens when there is not enough money for the household budget that partners can start blaming each other for overspending. Couples that work separately with the money they earn can cause even more serious money problems in their marriage, especially if they spend it as they please, while the other partner suffers to try and keep the budget afloat. There are a few solutions to money problems marriages that can be applied to reach a happy medium.

Working Together with Your Money

The best answer to money problems in relationships is working together with your finances, which is really how it should be after all. This way the household debts can be addressed together, paying all the debt first, and then a certain amount put into savings, and some set aside for entertainment. The balance left over can be divided between the couple in any way that suits them. If you own credit cards the best way is limiting them to two; one for each partner with a sensible limit, and the money that is divided as mentioned above, can be used to pay these. Partners should agree to be sensible in their spending and before large expenses are incurred they should be discussed together.

Help from a financial planner?

When you are having serious money problems in your marriage that can not be resolved satisfactorily between the two of you without fiery arguments, a great idea could be a visit to a helpful financial planner that can help you both put your finances into better perspective. This can only be done if you both agree on this and a very useful idea if you cannot come to a compromise with what you are both earning. No one is going to bring home the same pay packet and this should be something that is accepted by both of you, even in the case where your wife may be a high powered career woman that earns far in excess of what you. If you are both fortunate enough to have enough money from your incomes, you should be grateful of this fact, and not let money cause any problems or come between you at all.

Limit your money problem by limitting your debt

Relationships can take a lot of pressure when there are money problems, especially in marriages, and little arguments about money or lack thereof can blow up into huge nasty arguments. Being overburdened with debt makes you both feel like you are in a corner and this is something that should be addressed together sensibly! Most couples will pay for a mortgage and a family car, or two this is the mode of transport you both get to work with. Try and limit credit card debt, personal loans and clothing accounts or get rid of them altogether if possible.

Money stress can cause marriage problems, and when debt collectors start phoning then it can become a totally misery. Where couples work separately with their money as mentioned above, it can also cause resentment, where one partner feels that they are carrying all the bills in the household. It is pointless is one partner is well off while the other feels like they are drowning under a wall of debt. Proper financial planning, open communication and no hidden agendas are the best way to solve money problems in marriages, and better still, this way you can avoid them altogether.

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